Amazon Smile Donations

Help The Church of the Sacred Circle with every Amazon purchase! 

As a registered nonprofit and eligible 501 (c)3, the Church of the Sacred Circle is eligible for Amazon Smile FAQ page.
automatic donations through the Amazon Smile! program. We will receive .05% of any purchases made. Donations are made on a quarterly basis. This adds NO cost to your purchase, the donation is from Amazon and goes automatically to us! Want to learn more about how the program works? Visit the

How do I participate?

1. Sign in to your Amazon account, then visit

2. You will be prompted to choose your favorite charity. Just below the Spotlight charities, there is a text box wherein you can pick your own favorite charity. In the box provided, type in our name, The Church of the Sacred Circle. If you don't see the popup, go to this link

3. In the search results, you should see our name in the list. Please make sure it matches what is shown here - and then click the yellow Select button on the right.

4. You're done! As long as you start your purchases by entering through - donations are effortless and free to you! If you use Google Chrome as your browser, you can install the Smile Always extension that will automatically redirect any Amazon pages through the Smile program.

Not a Chrome user? Just drag the link to your Bookmarks bar and you are set!