The Church of the Sacred Circle is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit church. We welcome all those of Earth-based paths, and welcome families and children to join us. Those who are new to the path as well as those further along in their study are encouraged to attend. We offer a monthly full moon ritual which is open to the public.
We walk in beauty, love, and light, and promote healing and joy through knowledge of Spirit.
Sacred Circle FAQ
Common questions and answers about The Church of the Sacred Circle.
Our Clergy
Meet the priestesses and priests who serve our community.
The Sacred Circle Temple
The Sacred Circle Temple in the center of the Salt Lake valley is our “home base”, known as Sacred Circle Central. This where we hold monthly Full Moon circles as well as many of our other events.
The Sacred Circle Dolmen
What is a dolmen and why would you want one?
Our History
How did Sacred Circle come to be? Read more about our history here.